donderdag, februari 12, 2004


Kerry op koers, Dean geeft niet op

En terwijl Clark er mee stopt, weet Howard Dean van geen ophouden. Aankomende dinsdag hoopt/moet hij de primary in Winconsin winnen om nog enigzins in de race te blijven. Zijn blog roept iedereen op om te komen want:

Come because the Madison for Dean headquarters has a two foot tall head of Governor Howard Dean on the door.
Come because Wisconsin is the home of the very first Ice Cream Sundae.
Come because Sheboygan is known as the "Bratwurst Capital" of the world.
Come so you can remind the people of Wisconsin that Governor Dean is the candidate who will MAKE CHANGE for America, instead of just talking about it.

Dean: alleen de staat van ontkenning staat op winst

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